
Showing posts from February, 2016

Oracle Global Blanket purchase Agreement setups and process flow

Oracle Global Blanket Purchase Agreement  How to create a Global Purchase Agreement that can then be accessed by other Organisations/ Operating Units also? From Procurement Family Pack 'I', while creating a Blanket Agreement, Global checkbox at the header level can be checked to make the agreement global. This checkbox cannot be deselected once you have saved the document.The BPA can be enabled only for those organisations for which the supplier and the supplier site are defined to be the same as that of the global agreement. Note that you cannot enter an outside processing item in a global agreement, regardless of the item’s defining organization. Navigation Steps : ============== The Checkbox for making the Agreement Global comes at the header level for all the Blanket agreements. This has to be checked before we proceed onto the line level details, as one is not allowed to come back and update this checkbox at a later point in time once the line level details h...

Oracle Implementation Methodology: Comparison : AIM Vs OUM

Comparison : AIM Vs OUM Time to say good bye to Oracle Application Implementation Methodology as Oracle is going to remove it this month. Welcome Oracle Unified Method with new Templates Good thing it will also standardize BI implementations etc. The Oracle® Unified Method (OUM) can help you develop and implement technology-based business solutions with precise development and rapid deployment. You can tailor OUM to support your specific project situation. With its ready-made templates, guidelines, and scalable work breakdown structure, OUM provides the programmatic tools you need to manage the risks associated with your information technology-based projects. OUM supports the complete range of technology projects including deep support for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Enterprise Integration, Custom Software, Identity Management (IdM), and Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) Coming to second part of his question, here is Breakup of Activit...